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We Got Butts In the Saddles

1%... That's all I should ever remind myself when I'm thinking about what new problem we're encountering or something I've recognized we should work on. Pick anything and start working on it but I always get tripped up/wrapped and distracted by whatever tantrum Tosana wants to pull and I stop working on my 1% improvement goal. 1% is an idea that was explained to me by someone... a trainer I believe, wherein, you ask for 1% improvement each day. There are 365 days in a year, so you could potentially reach 100% improvement within the year on several problem areas or actually on yourself in the saddle. This also puts into perspective that I cannot expect a horse to become the "perfect" horse I dream of in a year.


The video below is our May rides... all 2 of them. Although, I have taken a hiatus on riding in hopes to relieve the peer pressure that even I give myself for not getting into the saddle enough. As I start to get more involved, I have noticed I've taken a lot of stress off of Tosana as well. I've had a chance to really groom her and desensitize her to little things. She seems so much more at ease being around me. To be honest, its been nice to crave going outside to see my horse. I will continue to build onto our daily interactions keeping in the back of mind... 1%.

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